A Case Study on Using Presentation Software in Teaching and Learning Grammar for English-majored Undergraduates
presentation, learning grammar, technology-based teaching and learningAbstract
In second language acquisition, grammar is important in enhancing skills and language ability. Freshmen who majored in English at university are required to study grammar as a specific subject along with other skills like reading, speaking, listening, and writing. At the tertiary level, students learn grammar differently from at lower levels, so it requires new methods to engage and encourage them in this subject. This qualitative research investigates the effectiveness of using presentation software as the main method of learning grammar in two classes at a university. The study employs classroom observation and interviews with a teacher and some students to explore the attitudes and influences of this method of learning grammar as a separate subject at university. The results show that students are engaged in learning grammar, and they are more confident to explain different grammar knowledge and improve their grammar better. Both the teacher and students have positive attitudes toward learning grammar with this method, and they also hope that presentation can be applied to improve other subjects actively and effectively, like in grammar subject.
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