Teachers’ Roles on English Language Teaching for Promoting Learner-Centered Language Learning: A Theoretical Review





teachers’ roles, student-centered, learner-centered, language learning, language teaching


Both students' language learning and teachers' language teaching are interconnected components of the language-learning process, and they rely on each other to create an effective language-learning environment. This research article investigates the teachers’ roles in language teaching to promote the students’ learner-centered language learning. The method applied in this paper was a library research study where theories were summarized and synthesized from academic sources to provide the answers to the research problems. The instruments used in this study were journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and book sections in the field of language teaching and learning. The results indicated that English teachers, assuming diverse roles including controllers, assessors, managers, and facilitators, collectively contribute to shaping a dynamic and student-focused language learning environment, fostering autonomy, motivation, and self-directed learning throughout students' language acquisition journey. The findings can enhance the quality of teachers’ teaching process by prioritizing students’ needs, interests, and life-long learning.

Author Biography

  • Ly Cong Khanh, Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, Vietnam

    Ly Cong Khanh is currently working as an English lecturer of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade (HUIT),Vietnam. He holds a master’s degree of Edith Cowan University (Australia) specializing in TESOL. At the moment, he is showing his interests in teaching English skills and materials development. He can be reached at khanhlc@huit.edu.vn or lykhanh.languagekey@gmail.com.


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Literature Review

How to Cite

Ly, C. K. (2024). Teachers’ Roles on English Language Teaching for Promoting Learner-Centered Language Learning: A Theoretical Review. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 4(2), 78-98. https://doi.org/10.54855/ijte.24425

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