Challenges in learning listening comprehension via Microsoft Teams among English majors at Van Lang University
listening comprehension, E-leaning, Microsoft Teams, students’ perception, Vietnamese EFL contextAbstract
The aim of this study is to look into the listening comprehension issues that third-year students in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Van Lang University have while learning through Microsoft Teams. A total of 135 junior students were involved in this research. The paper used a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview as the key research tools to gather data to resolve the research problems. The study's findings show that most listening comprehension issues encountered when studying with Microsoft Teams fall into the following categories: digital literacy, psychological, listener factors, technology, English ability, tasks and activities, learning environment. The findings also indicate that while the students are conscious of the advantages of using E-learning, they do not enjoy it. Based on the study's findings, pedagogical implications for teachers and students in teaching and learning listening comprehension via Microsoft Teams are suggested.
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