Students' retention on online learning: Establishing a predictive model at a private university in Vietnam
students’ retention, online learning, predictive model, private universityAbstract
Low levels of student retention have become one of the most significant issues that online learning has brought about. Through the literature review, most studies have pointed out some factors contributing to student retention in online learning environments; however, few have focused on establishing a model that minimizes student dropout rates. Hence, this paper aims to formulate a predictive model to tackle this issue. Through the quantitative survey design and the PSL-SEM approach in data analysis, the research involved 100 students. After analyzing the data, it is suggested that some factors and their relationship with student retention. These were Academic locus of control, Flow experience, Satisfaction, and Learning strategies. Also, this study indicated that to improve the students’ retention in online learning, Student satisfaction should be paid more attention rather than the others.
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