Improving Learners’ English-Speaking Accuracy by Using Interrogative Constructions




teaching English speaking skills, interrogative constructions, Business English


English speaking accuracy is one of the most important aspects of Business English. While most studies are conducted to improve English speaking accuracy, they neglect phrasal semantics. This present study involves 30 participants from Phu Em Company. The study employs a mixed-methods design in which the quantitative approach helps quantify the speaking accuracy scores made by learners while the qualitative approach explores how learners perceive the use of interrogative constructions. The instruments are a questionnaire and an interview. Data analysis procedures include a theme analysis of the interview data, a statistical analysis of the test and survey data, and integrated findings. The findings from this research provide evidence that using interrogative constructions does not improve grammatical or phonological accuracy but improves expressing accuracy. The study also reveals that 58% of EG learners provide positive feedback on the use of interrogative constructions in learning English speaking skills. Based on the findings, several suggestions are offered to teachers and learners.

Author Biographies

  • Nguyen Kim Chi An, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    Nguyen Kim Chi An, an English trainer at BIZ4 company, has 6 years of experience in teaching English to adult learners as well as to non-English majored students. Her research interests are in the field of speaking skills, cognitive learning, Business English, and curriculum innovation.

  • Le Hoang Dung, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    Dr. Le Hoang Dung is currently Vice President of University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH, Vietnam National University –Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM). He’s been Vice President of Ho Chi Minh City TESOL Association for 5 years. During his 22 years teaching, including 8 years of deanship, at the Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature, he has substantial experience in ELT, program development, language assessment, advanced teaching methodology, quality assurance, internationalization of curriculum, etc. He has actively organized and presented at workshops, seminars and conferences on English language education, quality assurance and internationalization of higher education. Dr. Le is also the trainer and resource person of several workshops on the said topics.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Nguyen, K. C. A., & Le, H. D. (2024). Improving Learners’ English-Speaking Accuracy by Using Interrogative Constructions. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 4(2), 145-159.

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