From Imagination to Practice: Unravelling the Professional Identity of a Pre-service EFL Teacher




Professional identity, Identity construction, Pre-service EFL teachers, Professional identity development


This study uses a narrative inquiry method, focusing on the transformation journey of a pre-service EFL teacher named Brandon (pseudonym), to explore the complex process of professional identity construction and reconstruction for pre-service teachers to teach EFL from a teaching practicum. The study gathered information about critical events that shaped Brandon's professional identity through semi-structured interviews and diaries before and during his teaching practice. Using an innovative "story constellation" approach, the research creates a three-dimensional narrative, weaving together temporal, personal, social, and contextual aspects. This exploration of Brandon's journey illuminates the core tenets of effective language teaching, including adaptability, empathy, continuous learning, and a student-centred approach, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of the (re)construction of EFL teachers' professional identities. This study widens knowledge of EFL teachers' pre-teaching professional experiences and offers important implications for teacher education programs.

Author Biographies

  • Le Khanh Linh, An Giang University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    Le Khanh Linh is a lecturer of English at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at An Giang University, Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He obtained his Master’s degree in TESOL from Can Tho University, Vietnam. He is interested in conducting teacher beliefs, identity, and professional development studies.

  • Bui Le Diem Trang, An Giang University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    Dr. Bui Le Diem Trang has worked in English language teaching and teacher education for more than twenty years. From 2020 to present, she is Program Director of for the Bed (TESOL) program at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, An Giang University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh city. She has a doctorate from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Her research centers on task-based language teaching, young learner engagement, second language pedagogy, and language teacher education and training.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Le, K. L., & Bui, L. D. T. (2024). From Imagination to Practice: Unravelling the Professional Identity of a Pre-service EFL Teacher. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 4(4), 1-34.

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