Exploring Student’s Perspectives and Practices: Using TikTok in the Context of Sophomore EFL Speaking 4 Learning at Van Lang University
TikTok, speaking skills, perceptions, benefits, drawbacksAbstract
Nowadays, TikTok is one of the most popular online applications. TikTok has recently been a helpful tool in facilitating teaching speaking skills. More researchers are exploring the teaching application of TikTok in speaking classes. This study is designed as mixed-method research that explores VLU second-year English-major students’ perceptions of using TikTok to learn speaking skills. With the help of two research instruments: interviews and questionnaires, the results showed that students agree that TikTok positively impacts speaking skills. Furthermore, TikTok can be implemented in Speaking 4 classes as an additional tool to facilitate students' speaking skills outside the classroom.References
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