The Role Pronunciation Teaching in EFL Classrooms: Beliefs and Practices of Teachers and Students


  • Luan Minh Do Tra Vinh University


Pronunciation is considered one of the crucial features of second language acquisition (SLA) since its importance has been emphasized to improve English listening and speaking performance. In addition to that, many teachers and researchers have investigated and applied pronunciation instructions in the field of TEFL. However, in some recent research, pronunciation has been undervalued and neglected in some tertiary English teaching programs due to several limitations and obstacles in instructions. Therefore, teachers have believed that great attention should be paid to pronunciation training to contribute to the English proficiency of EFL learners.




How to Cite

Do, L. M. (2021). The Role Pronunciation Teaching in EFL Classrooms: Beliefs and Practices of Teachers and Students. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 1(1), 47-53.