Teaching English Online Using Video Conferencing: The Challenges to EFL Instructors and Their Solutions
Online teaching, video-conferencing application, challengesAbstract
The purpose of this study is to discover the challenges that English teachers face when teaching online English via video conference. The authors hope to discover some remedies from that to resolve these issues. In this study, the author used qualitative research methodologies to examine the different challenges EFL teachers encounter when instructing English online via video conferencing and how they overcome those difficulties. This investigation aims to become aware of English teachers' challenges when instructing online via video conferences. Also, the authors would like to discover how English teachers use video-conferencing software when teaching online and how they overcome these difficulties. The researcher used interviews and questionnaire techniques to collect data. The same questions from an online interview with ten English teachers were given through a Google form. The first question stated that there were five difficulties that English teachers had to overcome when teaching online: internet connectivity, media, a lack of interaction between students and teachers, low skill, and technical issues. There are four alternative responses to the second research question: role plays are widely used in instructional activities to improve teacher-student engagement, and quiet teaching and learning environments are widely used in instructional activities to increase teacher-student engagement.
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