Estimating University Students’ Acceptance of Technological Tools for Studying English through the UTAUT Model


  • Trang H. Nguyen University of Finance-Marketing
  • Phe Q. Chu University of Finance - Marketing


expectancy, performance, behavioral intention, actual use


This paper is based on the results of a questionnaire survey on 289 medical students to predict their acceptance of or resistance to information and communication technology (ICT) tools for learning English through Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, and Davis's UTAUT model. The measurement scale used to estimate their behavioral intention of ICT use for learning English includes six determinants of the UTAUT, namely, performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), self-efficacy (SE) and perceived anxiety (PANX) and two dependent factors, namely behavioral intention (BI) and use behavior (UB). First, the descriptive statistics indicate that the student subjects have sufficient conditions to use ICT for studying English online. Second, the exploratory factor analysis drops PANX from the hypothesized measurement model and reduces the eight original constructs to four by grouping EE and SE, PE and SI, and BI and UB. Second, the confirmatory factor analysis explains the satisfactory model fit indexes with the support of the structural equation model and locates the positive correlations among the variable constructs. After that, the tested hypotheses show that UB is influenced by BI and FC, and BI itself is affected by PE, EE, SI, and SE. Finally, the authors provide the grounded implications on what should be done to effectively increase the students' use of ICT for their learning needs in higher education. 

Author Biographies

  • Trang H. Nguyen, University of Finance-Marketing

    Trang Hoang Nguyen has her BA degrees in Education with Quy Nhon University in 2011 and in Banking with the University of Finance-Marketing in 2016. Also in this year, she earned her MA degree in Business Management from the University of Finance-Marketing. She is working in the field of educational inspection at tertiary level; thus, her concern and passion mainly cover education, educational management and technology use in education.

  • Phe Q. Chu, University of Finance - Marketing

    Phe Quang Chu earned his BA degree in English Teaching at Quy Nhon University in 2003 and his MA degree in TESOL in 2011 at Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities. He is currently a PhD student at Ho Chi Minh Open University and teaches English at the University of Finance-Marketing’s Foreign Languages Faculty. His major areas of interest involve translation, writing skills, and ICT use in instruction and learning


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How to Cite

Nguyen, H. T., & Chu, Q. P. (2021). Estimating University Students’ Acceptance of Technological Tools for Studying English through the UTAUT Model. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 1(3), 209-234.

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